How to U-pick Blueberries at Chelan Ranch

Blueberry U-pick at Chelan Ranch is happening. Harvesting our blueberries is an enjoyable family experience because of the “big” factor! We grow organic blueberries big, so picking is fun and easy. The bushes are big, so plenty of berries are everywhere for all ages. And the view, while you pick, is big, so you can enjoy an expansive vista of the lake and mountains while you pick. Follow these three steps for a successful harvest:

To begin, meet at the Farm Stand for directions.

You will find us at the top of Boyd Road on the north side of the lake. Take a right on Purtteman Gulch Road and another on Chelan Ranch Road. Our address is 86 Chelan Ranch RD, Chelan, WA 98816. Our farm staff will provide a picking bucket and direct you to the best picking location.

Next, find your bush with ripe berries.

The blueberry fields are easy to see from the Farm Stand. Set the bucket down nearby once you’ve located your row of berries and your first bush. Cup both hands together under the ripe berries on the bush. Use your thumbs to roll berries off the stem into your hand and the bucket. Being surrounded by blueberry bushes, hearing the sounds of birds, and breathing in fresh air can be a calming and rejuvenating experience.

Finally, when your bucket is full, return to the Farm Stand.

Return the bucket with the berries. Our farm staff will weigh your berries and bag them for travel home. We charge by weight, making it a cost-effective way to acquire fresh blueberries, especially when picking in larger quantities, and we accept several forms of payment. (cash, check, Venmo, or credit cards)

Now that you and your loved ones have experienced the big blueberry U-pick at Chelan Ranch, you’ll want to hurry to store your blueberries properly. Don’t wash them until you’re ready to consume them. Put them in a shallow dish in your fridge’s Crisper or a breathable bag to maintain their freshness in the refrigerator. When ready to eat them, gently rinse them under cool water. Enjoy your blueberries in different culinary dishes; salads, muffins, pancakes, dutch baby, salsa, pies, cookies, compotes, and smoothies – or our blueberries are a delicious snack treat themselves!

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